Coaching at Lea R.C.
We have an experienced team of coaches at Lea R.C. Junior squads have designated professional and DBS-checked coaches. Senior Performance squads each have dedicated and experienced volunteer coaches. Other squads are supported by both experienced coaches and club volunteers.

At Lea R.C. we adhere to British Rowing Best Practice standards and Code of Conduct.
We have a commitment to supporting development opportunities for coaches at Lea R.C., through seminars, mentorship and other learning opportunities. In particular we recognise the lack of women in coaching positions across the sport of rowing, and are encouraging female members, in particular, to consider coaching with the club.
Subsidies are available for club members wishing to pursue their Level 2 coaching qualification. The Eastern Region Rowing Council provides two positions that are matched by Lea R.C. The subsidy contributes towards one third of the cost of a British Rowing Level 2 sessional, fixed or sliding seat coaching course.