Masters Rowing at Lea Rowing Club
People over 27 are able to compete in British Rowing ‘Masters’ categories and events for older rowers. For those members of the club who want to focus on those events, we have specific women’s and men’s Masters squads that train alongside the other senior squads.
Men and Women’s Club Masters’ squads
These squads are for rowers who have at least one year of experience and who are (ideally) able to row on both sides and scull. They train and race in a variety of boat types, from eights to single sculls. There are four scheduled training days per week: two weekday evenings which usually consist of training in the gym or on the rowing machine, and Saturday and Sunday mornings which consist of one or two sessions on the water.
Age is no barrier: we have rowers in their 70s and 80s at the Club.
For Masters-age rowers that meet the skill and fitness standards of our Performance squads we do not differentiate based on age. Rowers in those squads may enter Masters category events on a case-by-case basis.

This group of men are mostly long-standing members of the club who have extensive rowing experience and who have been successful at domestic and international events. They follow a separate training schedule and have their own boats.

Our squads take part in many competitions in the South East of England and beyond, including those on the River Great Ouse, the Cam and the Thames, with specific focus on major Masters’ events: Veteran Fours Head, Veterans’ Head of the River Race, and British Rowing Masters Championships. They also have a history of strong performances and victories at Henley Masters Regatta and the European and World Masters Championships.
Like the rest of the club, our masters also take their turn dishing up food on our Thursday social nights! They are serious about training but recognise the need to balance rowing with busy family and professional lives. They are always looking to welcome new members, so if you are interested in masters rowing at Lea R.C., please get in touch.