Below you can find links for affiliate organisations, community partners, and where safety or environmental incidents can be reported.
Concerns about safety and environmental issues can be raised via the contact page on the Canal & River Trust website
If you find any other species of birds injured or in distress contact London Wildlife Protection
Incidents that cause harm or damage, however trivial, should be reported through the British Rowing incident reporting system
Environmental and pollustion incidents can be reported using the Envionment Agency’s Incident Hotline phone number
Plastic Free Hackney organises regular river and towpath litter picks along the River Lea.
Encouraging the developement of rowing through affiliated clubs and events within the eastern region.
Information and contacts for our local Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team, or sign up for the Springfield Ward newsletter
Information about safe sharing of the rivers, canals and towpaths
If you have concerns about swans or geese in distress please contact The Swan Sanctuary.